The overwhelming civilisational impact of recent advances in Artificial Intelligence has become one of the the most important issues of our time. Originating in the science and technology of natural language, these advances pose unprecedented threats and opportunities in all areas of human activity, including the science and technology of language itself, as well as the human languages, that are the object of its study and promotion.
In this context, this debate aims to stimulate clarification of the challenges facing the computational processing of the Portuguese language, and the measures that are considered necessary. At the same time, it aims to stimulate reflection on public policies for the promotion of the Portuguese language and its renewal, taking into account the multi-centred international projection of Portuguese and also its coexistence with other languages in the Ibero-American and global space, including Galician, which is hosting this edition of the PROPOR conference.

António H. Branco
Honorary President of ELRA & Professor at the University of Lisbon

Ana Paula Laborinho
Director of OEI, Portugal, and former President of Camões I.P.

Cláudio Pinhanez
IBM & Vice-Director C4AI, Brazil

Valentín García
Secretario Xeral de Política Lingüística, Xunta de Galicia

Ismael Gómez García
Director of Global Digital Strategy at OEI, Spain